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Shipping policy

In order to provide customers with high-quality transportation services, HANXIANG RUIYUN LIMITED strictly abides by EU import and export laws and regulations to ensure that your goods can pass customs smoothly and be delivered legally. No matter which mode of transportation you choose, we ensure that you will not face any legal problems.

1. Triangle transportation
Transportation time: 19-30 working days.

Compliance: ensures that all goods shipped through triangle transportation comply with EU customs regulations. We transit through third-party warehouses to ensure that all goods meet the safety standards and compliance requirements of the destination country.

Taxes: When transporting through this method, you will enjoy lower import taxes and tariffs, but the specific costs depend on the laws and regulations of the destination country.

2. Direct transportation
Transportation time: 15-25 working days.

Compliance: All directly shipped goods comply with EU import and customs clearance requirements. strictly abides by the customs declaration system to ensure that your goods can complete the customs clearance procedures in a timely and correct manner.

Taxes: According to the EU's Value Added Tax (VAT) and other tariff policies, taxes and fees that may be incurred during transportation will be borne by the customer. HANXIANG RUIYUN LIMITED provides tax calculation support to ensure that your transportation plan complies with EU tax requirements. For specific tax details, please see the settlement page.